February Newsletter
Dear Friends: The start of the year has been rather tumultuous here in the USA, with dysfunctional political activity including violence, the continued devastation of the viral pandemic and several heavy snowfalls and winter storms. At least it seems that now we have a more proactive government in place that is keen on doing the right things internationally and domestically. On the writing front, I am very pleased that P.R.A. Publishing will be releasing my short story collection, The Mind Spins, in April. I am excited about this book finally coming out and P.R.A. always does such a great job with design, cover, layout etc. The stories in the book are divided into two: Awake and Dreaming, and what I am trying to do is explore how the creative mind works in these two states. The stories in the second part are based on dreams I captured by writing them down, while those in the first section largely touch on current social or personal topics. A few Zoom appearances that may be of interest: PBS An American Portrait - https://www.pbs.org/american-portrait/story/28713/geza-t-barnard-vt-my-american-story-started-when Human Agency / Climate Change - https://exp.humanagency.com/experiences/de5LE7Ky/asks/9KqwrO8a/preview Kimball Public Library (upcoming March 7th) - https://kimballlibrary.org/calendar?m=3&y=2021&type=0 And for those who missed it, The Bookshop Podcast has a terrific interview of the owners of The Yankee Bookshop in Woodstock VT followed by one of me: https://thebookshoppodcast.buzzsprout.com/1400590/6902582-the-yankee-bookshop-and-author-geza-tatrallyay I have also been working with Black Opal Books for the release of the second edition of Arctic Meltdown, as well as on a sequel, Arctic Inferno. Also in the works is a fifth poetry collection, Poems for our World. There will be more news coming next month, including the cover reveal and pre-release information for The Mind Spins. In the meantime, I will leave you with four haiku full of snow, two from my third collection, Extinction, and two new ones that will go into Poems for our World. the night is frosty I wake to snow on the ground spring is far away In the chilly hush crystalline snowflakes descend and die on landing the wail of the wind wafting through wintry trees— a woodwind’s weeping moon glow on the snow lights the path in the forest, the way to your heart Enjoy, read a lot, stay safe and keep well. Geza